Accidents with Self-Driving Cars

When humans drive cars and an accident occurs, it’s usually easy to prove who’s liable for the accident. Drivers are responsible because they are meant to be in control.

However, things are not so simple in case of autonomous vehicles.

Since self-driving cars have been in accidents, in some cases, the manufacturer was held responsible, and in others, user error was considered as the cause of the accident.

When you’re involved in an accident with a self-driving car, establishing who’s at fault can be difficult. This task is challenging, but you can seek an experienced accident attorney’s help.

When are automated vehicles at fault in an accident?

Automated or self-driving vehicles are considered to have the potential to reduce injuries because most accident injuries are attributed to human error. They can potentially eliminate human error and protect travelers.

The design of the vehicle may be defective and, in such cases, the manufacturer may be at fault. Alternatively, the vehicle’s parts may be defective. If a driver less car is properly operated but still fails, the manufacturer could be held responsible for the accident and injuries caused.

Can a person be at fault for self-driving vehicle accidents?

Negligence can occur anywhere. If the driver doesn’t remain alert at the wheel or misuses the technology, they may be held responsible for accidents and injuries caused.

In cases where the government agencies allowing self-driving or autonomous vehicles on roads could potentially be accountable if the testing exposes the public to an unreasonable risk.

If you wish to consult an experienced a bodily injury or auto accident lawyer in Hollywood or Panorama City, CA, schedule a consultation with the law office of Eduard Braun in California, at 877-533-4LAW.

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